Building on our discussion of the Red Queen hypothesis last week, we’re going to go through a theorem which is similarly chess-themed but goes against our hypothesis from episode 20. This theory holds that, rather than continual evolution being necessary for a species to survive, natural selection can sometimes allow genes to be lost from the gene pool.
Sources for this episode: 1) Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Black Queen hypothesis (online) [Accessed 15/01/2021]. 2) Morris, J. J., Lenski, R. E. and Zinser, E. R. (2012), The Black Queen Hypothesis: Evolution of Dependencies through Adaptive Gene Loss. mBio 3(2): e00036-12. 3) Willey, J. M., Sherwood, L. M. and Woolverton, C. J. (2017), Prescott’s Microbiology (Tenth Edition, International Edition). New York: McGraw Hill Education. 4) Allen, R. C., Popat, R., Diggle, S. P. and Brown, S. P. (2014), Targeting virulence: can we make evolution-proof drugs? Nature Reviews Microbiology 12(4): 300- 308.
This week, I’m going to discuss the Red Queen Hypothesis, which sounds intimidating but is actually rather straightforward. Not only is it an evolutionary theory, but it’s also a reminder that biologists really like finding obscure reasons to name things…
Sources for this episode: 1) Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Red Queen Hypothesis (online) [Accessed 14/01/2021]. 2) Thain, M. and Hickman, M. (2004), The Penguin Dictionary of Biology (11th edition). London: Penguin Books Ltd. 3) Scoville, H., ThoughtCo (updated 2019), What Is the Red Queen Hypothesis? (online) [Accessed 14/01/2021].
Happy Darwin’s Day! On the anniversary of Darwin’s birthday on 12th February 1809, I thought it would be fun to release a special episode covering some aspect of Darwin’s life or theories. Today, we’re going to discuss the health of Darwin’s children and of Darwin’s immediate family, using a 2017 paper by Hayman et al.
Sources for this episode: 1) Hayman, J., Álvarez, G., Ceballos, F. C. and Berra, T. M. (2017), The illnesses of Charles Darwin and his children: a lesson in consanguinity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 458- 468. Information on the immediate family of Charles Darwin can also be found on Wikipedia, whether his article or the article on the Darwin-Wedgewood family.
This week, I’m going to do something a little different and talk through a process we hear a lot about, but which isn’t often discussed as a process outside biology classrooms very much- evolution. This episode will be a little different from my usual, as it’s mainly going to be me talking rather than drawing on sources. Instead, this discussion is going to be based on my biological education so far.
I’ve been thinking of explaining the cause of some more illnesses and/or conditions, as I have already done with porphyria and leprosy. Where applicable, I might also use some real-life historical examples of sufferers, such as with George III and Baldwin IV of Jerusalem for the two cases mentioned above.
I don’t know exactly what this would include, but I might, for example, a post about heterochromia or arthritis. Alternatively, I might expand the idea to include phenomena such as the cause of tabby/calico patterns in cats.
However, I thought it would be interesting to see what you think. If I were to make this into a series of posts, which condition should I cover next? Let me know what you think in the comments!
Apoptosis is the phenomenon by which cells commit suicide in an orderly and programmed fashion. But why is it important? And what happens if it goes wrong? Today, we’re just going to introduce the topic briefly and give some examples of why it is biologically useful.
Sources for this episode: 1) Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, and Walter (2008), Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition. Abingdon: Garland Science, ‘Taylor and Francis Group LLC’. 2) Thain, M., and Hickman, M. (2014), The Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 11th edition. London: Penguin Publishing Group.
Eye colour is one of the first examples of genetic inheritance talked about in schools across the country. But what is it that these genes really do? What causes eye colour from a functional perspective? As we’ll see on the podcast today, it’s all to do with the pigment melanin…
Sources for this episode: 1) Sturm, R. A. and Frudakis, T. N. (2004), Eye colour: portals into pigmentation genes and ancestry. Trends in Genetics 20(8): 327- 332. 2) Alberts, Johnson, Lewis Raff, Roberts, and Walter (2008), Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition, p.786. Abingdon: Garland Science, Taylor and Francis Group LLC.
I thought I’d take a moment to discuss how exactly biologists create phylogenetic trees. Our discussion will not include factors such as morphological comparisons etc.- which was more widely used before genetics came along- but rather the molecular methods used today. I thought this would be better served as a blog post rather than a podcast episode, as in blog format I can use images to illustrate what I’m saying (which is predictably rather difficult in audio format!).
So, let’s say that you’re an ecologist who’s just discovered an uninhabited island far out to sea. There’s three species of snake on this island (hence the picture at the top) and you want to know how long ago these species diverged from their common ancestor. You find a fossil which tells you that species A and species C must have diverged 15 million years ago, but you can’t find anything for the other species. So, instead, you sequence a protein common to all species (let’s say haemoglobin for the sake of argument) which gives you the results in Table 1. How does this help you?
Table 1: The number of amino acids in the protein we’re sequencing that are different between each of the three snake species.
Looking at our table, you can see that, in 15 million years, there have been thirty amino acid sequence changes between species A and species C. However, this doesn’t quite give us our rate of mutation yet. To know why this is the case, you’ve got to consider that both species have been evolving away from their common origin. This means that we’ve effectively got to double the time between them to 30 million years. After all, species A has been evolving for 15 million years and species C has been.
This means that, if we assume a constant mutation rate, we end up with a rate of 1 mutation per million years. What we’ve done is calibrate our molecular clock- we now know the rate of mutation for the protein we’re using to build our tree.
So, let’s now look at the difference between species B and species C, which is also 30 mutations. This means that these two species also had a total evolution time of thirty million years. Dividing by two, we get a divergence time of 15 million years, as with species A. By contrast, species A and species B have eleven amino acid differences, meaning that they must have diverged 5.5 million years ago.
How does all of this fit together? Well, A and B must have diverged after both the A-C divergence or the B-C divergence. This means that C must have split off from the common ancestor first, and then A and B diverged, as shown below:
Figure 1: The phylogenetic tree you end up with as a result of our reconstruction. Time is shown (not to scale) along the bottom)
Of course, there are some assumptions we’ve made while constructing our tree, such as a constant rate of mutation. Added to this, most phylogenies will be a lot more complicated than just three species. However, it serves well as an example of the process by which such tree are constructed. A more in-depth discussion of these assumptions, as well as the process of speciation itself, is a story for another time.
I thought I’d do something different today and discuss one of the contenders for the oldest organism on our planet. So, let me spin you a yarn of a mollusc called Ming, cited as the oldest individual animal for which its age can be accurately determined.
Our story begins back in 2006 when researchers fished up the animal- known as an ocean quahog- from the seas around Iceland‘s northern coast. It was one of two hundred ocean quahogs fished up by the researchers from Bangor University in Wales, as part of a project to investigate the impact climate change has had over the last thousand years.
Once these clams had been taken up from the seabed, the next step was to determine their age. Like with tree rings, there are rings on a clam’s shell which you can count to determine its age, as a new ring is added by the clam each successive summer. These bands can be found on the hinge region of the shell.
So, with that’s said, let us return to Ming. I should mention at this point that ‘Ming’ actually one of two nicknames the clam acquired- the other being Háfrun, an Icelandic female name meaning ‘mystery of the sea’, which it was subsequently given by Icelandic researchers taking part in the expedition.
A first count came in 2007, placing the quahog at 405 years old- which would have given it a birth year of 1601 CE. However, this was pushed back as a result of a re-estimate in 2013, which put it at 507 years old and meant that it would have been born in 1499– comfortably within the period of the Ming dynasty in China, for which it was named during the wave of excitement and interest about its advanced age.
This second estimate was done by carbon-dating, rather than the previous method of using the number of rings on its shell, and was considered by some to be accurate to around one to two years. So, although we can’t be 100% sure when the quahog was born, the 1499 date seems to be generally accepted.
Now we get to the controversial bit. Sometime after being dredged up, Ming died. However, the tricky part comes in pinning down when and why exactly this happened. Some maintain that the researchers were the cause of death in 2007 as a result of opening its shell to make the original estimate of its age. However, this has been contested. Instead, an article on the story by the National Geographic in 2013 maintained the view that Ming was already dead by the time it came back to the lab. If this is true, Ming was killed along with its 199 colleagues as a result of researchers freezing the organisms for storage on the journey back to shore. Whatever really happened, Ming was dead.
Although Ming (c.1499- 2007) will not be increasing in age for obvious reasons, it has still been valuable to research. For instance, accessing its growth rings allows scientists to determine what the temperature of the ocean was every year for the past five hundred years- invaluable data when considering the impact of anthropogenic climate change. In addition, it might contribute to ageing research– after all, if we can find out what caused Ming to live to such an advanced age, perhaps it can be applied to humans.
So, that’s Ming the Mollusc, also known as Háfrun. To finish, I thought I’d give you some perspective on its great age. When Ming was born in 1499, Leonardo da Vinci was still beavering away on the Mona Lisa and the voyage of Columbus had only happened seven years earlier. Even if we don’t end up learning anything that will be applicable to humans, it certainly shows how varied the natural world can be.
Assortative mating is essentially the recognition that theory isn’t always perfect and that, however desperately biologists might want some simplicity in the world, organisms don’t just encounter each other like gas molecules- it’s not a random process. In fact, it can even give evolution a helping hand…
Sources for this episode: 1) Thain, M., and Hickman, M. (2014), The Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 11th edition. London: Penguin Publishing Group. 2) Nishi, A., Alexander, M., Fowler, J. H. and Christakis, N. A. (2020), Assortative mating at loci under recent natural selection in humans. BioSystems 187 (2020) 104040.