95- Rewind: Fossil Fuels

For a podcast which has talked several times before about global warming and climate change, we haven't addressed fossil fuels yet. So, let's redress that today!

Sources for this episode:

  • Hine, R. S. (2019), Oxford Dictionary of Biology (8th edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kalair, A., Abas, N., Saleem, M. S., Kalair, A. R. and Khan, N. (2020), Role of energy storage systems in energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Energy Storage 3: e135.
  • Ritchie, R. and Gent, D. (2015), A Level Chemistry for OCR A. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Author uknown, The Ohio State University (date unknown), Life on Mars: The Future of Human Adventure- Exploring Mars as a Solution to Earth's Problems (online) (Accessed 28/06/2024).
  • Author unknown, Our World in Data (date unknown) Fossil fuels (online) (Accessed 28/06/2024).
  • Author unknown, UMCP Berkeley (date unknown), The Carboniferous Period (online) (Accessed 28/06/2024).